Beyond the Flash: Three Steps to Make the Most of Your Senior Portraits with Lepik Photography

Greetings all of our lovely seniors. Ok, so you now had your incredible portraits taken by us. What happens next?

1. Selecting the Perfect Prints:

Once you've had the chance to view your proofs, the next step is selecting the perfect prints to showcase your personality and achievements. Consider creating a mix of print sizes, from wallet-sized photos for sharing with friends to larger prints for framing at home. Discuss your preferences and ideas with your family, and don't hesitate to reach out to us for guidance. We offer a variety of print options to suit your style, from classic prints to canvases and albums. Choose the ones that resonate most with you and your loved ones.

2. Sharing and Celebrating:

Your senior portraits are a celebration of your accomplishments and the incredible person you've become. Share your photos with pride on social media, creating a beautiful digital album or a dedicated post to commemorate your senior year. Encourage friends and family to share their favorite shots and celebrate your achievements together. Your portraits are not just images; they're a testament to your hard work and the support you've received along the way. Embrace the joy and let the world share in your success!

3. Preserving the Memories:

Ensure your senior portraits stand the test of time by properly preserving them. Frame your favorite prints and display them in your home, creating a visual timeline of your high school journey. Consider creating a personalized photo album that tells the story of your senior year, complete with captions and anecdotes. Digital options, such as cloud storage or external hard drives, are also excellent ways to safeguard your memories for the future. Take the time to organize and back up your digital files to ensure they remain intact and easily accessible.

If you have any questions along your journey we are here to help. Reach out and we will be happy to chat. If you are still looking for a senior photographer in the Southern Colorado area, we would love your consideration.


Unveiling Your Style: Three Steps to Choose the Perfect Senior Portrait Outfits with Lepik Photography


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