Jupiter RGB from Very Good Presets

If you are not sure who Dave Herring is you need to finish reading this post and then follow the links at the bottom. We found Dave because he started posting Leica videos online. Immediately we loved his ability to tell stories and his passion for philosophy and photography. He honestly just seemed like a cool guy. He released a preset pack called Porter 400. It was an instant buy for us. The looks that came from using this set reminded us of film days. The days when you had to strategically plan your shots. The days before you could come home with 4000 photos of photos from the Denver Botanical Gardens. Ok, ok, we didn't to take 4000 photos but you know what we mean.

Anyway, this post is not about Portra 400 presets. This is about his new pack called Jupiter RGB. Jupiter is a great look and one that we instantly fell in love with. We had the ability to really put it to use to a recent trip to the Botanical Gardens and we were extremely pleased with the results. The ability for Jupiter to pull out amazing colors and setting the mood were fantastic. We of course took advantage of the Leica' Q2’s we took and really pushed some of the macro features with this. We highly recommend you check out Dave on Youtube and be sure to give him a follow on instagram.

Youtube: Dave Herring
Instagram: @daveherring


Pueblo Community Event - Kindergarten Grad Photos


2023 Garden of the Gods Prom