Seeing things different in San Isabel Colorado - Photos from the Leica Q2

Do you ever visit a place so much you know it like the back of your hand and become bored with your photography?

San Isabel Colorado is a special place for us. This is a place of many dates for Kristan and I plus pairing that with getting married here in 2012, it is even more special. Being up here often means we photograph it a lot. Sure, each time you visit the scenery changes but after years, the photography can become stagnant. We have to challenge ourselves with getting creative.

On our most recent trip I challenged myself to look at things different. Macro photography, insect photography, plant photography and even “random” sign photography.

One of the ideas I had while up there was photographing signs. There was this weird ying/yang feeling I got being in this amazing nature, yet there were signs everywhere telling you what you could and could not do. Are these award winning photos? No, but it was cool to seek them out in the most random of spots.

Macro Photography. The art of seeing the world up close and personal. Throughout every day we see things over and over again. A rock, a plant, a bug, a pencil. What if we looked at these things up close and personal? There is a whole other world up close and personal to things. This ant and I spent only a few seconds together but look that amazing image. This flower above was only about 4 inches in length yet up close and using the right lens make it look like a lot more was going on.

My camera of choice on this trip? The Leica Q2. Is it the most perfect camera ever? No. It is not great at a lot of things but perfect for so many of them. Macro on this camera is stunning. Landscapes are amazing. Detail and sharpness is wonderful. It is often times a challenge to go out with one camera and one lens. You always “wish” you had something else with you. With this setup you cannot capture the off in the distance wildlife. Not able to do much birding with this camera. But when it excels it really excels.

Next time you visit a place that you have seen many times before, stop and thing about how you might be able to see it differently. Maybe shoot it with a new lens. Maybe shoot macro. Maybe expose for highlights and shadows. Get close, get far and have some fun.


Should is a really bad “s” word.


Epic senior portraits of Dylan in San Isabel Colorado