A frosty morning at the Pueblo Reservoir

To say this morning was cold is an understatement. I actually wasn’t even planning on leaving the house. My phone read -10 degrees. There was no way I was even considering going outside. Then I got a phone call. Kristan called me and said that everything had a beautiful frost all over it. I knew if Kristan called me and told me that it was pretty outside then I had to go. Moments like this don’t always come along so when an opportunity presents itself I have been trying to keep a personal commitment to siege the opportunity and and say yes.

Needless to say, this morning paid off greatly for my commitment to say yes. The Pueblo Reservoir was quite frosty. Only a few minutes outside of the car and my fingers began to freeze. Not like they became cold but they actually froze. They hurt so bad after less than two minutes. For the next 30-45 minutes I played a game of getting in and out of the car, trying to keep my hands warm while getting shots before the fog completely rolled away. You may be asking “why didn’t your gloves keep you warm?”. To that I say, I forgot my gloves and regretted each time I left the car.

When presented an opportunity to do something that you love doing, I encourage you to say yes. It doesn’t have to be every time but I bet if you say yes more often than you say no, you may be surprised how often it pays off.

All images shot on the Leica Q2


Fumile Hats - Quebec City, Canada


5 great spots to take photos in Pueblo Colorado