Business Profile: Grace to Organize

We got to sit down with Grace Hall from Grace 2 Organize to chat a little more about her business and how she helps people declutter and organize their lives.

Give us your 30 second elevator pitch?
We help people declutter, organize and enjoy their spaces. People call me when they are overwhelmed with their stuff and they need a helping hand when getting started

Why did you start this business?
I have been good at organizing my entire life. My earliest memory was when I was 6 years old restocking cans in my grandma’s pantry. It has always just flowed out of me. What’s funny is when you are good at something you assume other people are good at it too. I had this moment where I realized people don’t know this, they need help and I decided to set this up to allow me to help them.

All of this sounds very personal. What is one thing you want to tell those who struggle with this?
You are not alone. I can’t tell you how many houses I have went to. 100’s actually and they all feel like their space is the worst someone has ever seen and I am the only person who must struggle with this. Because you are not the only one who struggles is why I am in business. Often times they don’t see other peoples houses and they don’t realize this is actually pretty common. The good news is there is grace for you. The hardest part is asking for help.

Can you teach people how to stay organized or is this something they need you for, long term?
The hardest part is this is going to take time to unlearn these habits. Sometimes they get frustrated because they don’t get it right away. I analyze my own life. I just have the habit of organizing and it is something I enjoy. I do this every day in my own life. People have to be patient and they have to be willing to do it over time. Just like all habits. You can’t just go to the gym one time and be fit. It can be learned

What does a typical interaction with you look like?
Everybody will look different in the approach but there is a foundation to this. Consultations are option and they can be done virtual or in person. These take about 30 minutes and help them get comfortable with me and answer any questions. I will try and give them ideas during this as well. From here there is two options. Get rid of stuff or make more space. Hopefully they do both. Most people thought we work side by side. I can’t tell them what to get rid of and what to keep. Most of the time we book a 3 hour session to work side by side, declutter, organize and talk about space management. Usually 3 hours is perfect because it is my minimum and their max for that first session. Then from there we book more sessions in 3 hour increments as their budget or time allows.

How long do you normally books clients for? Or better, how much can they expect to book you for before they can do it on their own?
Some clients book me to just organize their pantry cause they don’t want to do it and the rest of their house is fine. Others might book me a lot longer because they have been collecting for 10-15 years and it is floor to ceiling of boxes and stuff. They will require more time because they might not even know what is in there. We are just trying to make progress with each session.

What is your pricing?
I always charge hourly and based on the city. Everything is $60/hr for Pueblo and Fremont County. 1st hour is required as a deposit. Colorado Springs is $80/hr. and same thing with the deposit.

What is next for you and how can we support you?
What’s next is a course or online course. I can physically help those close to me here but I would love to help people online and those farther away and helping them with grace. I have started and continually chipping away at getting this started. I encourage people to interact with me online and my page. Often times people don’t open up about this with friends and family and they just happen to come across my page from a picture they see. They then reach out and get in contact through Facebook or Google. Share content and engage online is really really helpful.

Thanks so much Grace!

Alright friends. If you enjoyed this write up about Grace and her business we highly encourage you give her a follow and if you fee like her services could truly help you don’t hesitate to reach out! She is amazing and will treat you right.



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