Why invest in professional family photos & portraits?

Often times we are asked “Why should we spend money of family photos when we have our phone?”. Today we are going to break down some of the reason you would want to invest in family photos or portraits.

They make great gifts

  • Professional photos make great gifts for friends and family. Who doesn’t like to receive a beautiful card around the holidays? You can make a mothers day album filled with a session or even gift the session to a family member so they can all take part in the photos.

  • You own the rights to all the photos we take, meaning you can print any type of gifts you want. Canvas, wall prints, albums or DVD slide shows. The possibilities are endless.

  • We believe that printing photos is wonderful in this digital age. Having something you walk into your home seeing is a wonderful feeling. Being able to pull out a book of photos can help brighten a day.

They are fun

  • Professional photos can be exactly what you want them to be.

  • Get your family dressed up fancy or wear costumes. Adding some of your own personality and flare can really make a session something unique to you and your family.

  • Props are great for photographs. Bring an old picture frame to create silly images, maybe a wagon for the kids to ride in. Who doesn’t like adorable photos of kids in the wagon.

  • If you are doing an individual portrait session bring something that means something to you. A favorite jacket, an instrument you play. Maybe you have a really nice car you are proud of. Incorporating these type of props can really change the feel of a picture.

The memories

  • Celebrating a new home, gradaution, promotion or just a year activity? Many of life’s moments only happen once or very rarely. Having a digital or physical copy of this memory is something you will cherish forever

  • So many times we are told “wow, i have not had family photos since the kids were born” or “I never do something for just me". Face it, time gets away from us pretty quickly. A 1 hour family session each year can be a wonderful experience and you will never be left feeling like you missed an opportunity. Plus, with yearly sessions comes yearly gifts to the parents and grandparents. In our family we do a calendar every year for the grandparents. They get it for Christmas and it is something they can see everyday for the entire next year, until Christmas comes and they get a new one.

  • Beautiful home decor. Having a family photo up in your home is a constant reminder of how lucky we are. Seeing a beautiful self portrait will remind you of an accomplishment in your life that you worked so hard for. Memories like these can be something we need throughout our day. And don’t forget, with all our sessions you get digitals and can print as many as you want with no extra fee’s or sales tactics from us.

Better than phone pics

  • It is a fact our phones have great cameras. But a phone camera will not replace a full size camera and lens. The images quality is not there yet. Your phone pictures might be able to be blown up to 8x10, but anything larger the photos wont look great.

  • Phone pictures are great for daily life moments but when it comes to memories you are putting up in your home a professional session will always be better. Plus, if you only take pictures of the family with your phone, that means you are always behind the camera and not in the photos yourself. It is ok to put down the phone and be in the shot too.

Better than school pictures

  • Now i am not saying you should not get school pictures but lets talk about this. School pictures you get 1, maybe 2 poses. You dont know if your child smiled right and if they didn’t you have to wait months for the retake day.

  • School pictures can be costly. Depending on how many children you have you can easily spend over a couple hundred dollars on school photos.

  • With our sessions you get several shots of the kiddos in the standard poses that moms and grandparents love but you also get shots of them playing, having fun and in those candid moments. We give you shots of each child, the children together, kids with mom/dad & grandparents. You get a wide variety of photos you truly love vs one or two poses.

  • When you truly break down the cost of school photos for 1-2 poses and the prints you can easily justify photos of the whole family for just a few dollars more. And again, you own all the photos and can print as much as you want.

BONUS: The experience

  • The experience of family photos is truly something magical.

  • It brings family members together when they might not have seen each other until the holidays.

  • You learn some awesome posing tips. Why is this important you ask? Well think about it, when the session ends you will walk away with some tips on how to pose. That means next time your friends pull out their phone and ask for a quick picture, you will look like you just got off the red carpet. GONE are the days of “say cheese”.

  • Having some laughs.. I cannot think of a family session where we did not share in some big laughs. There is always someone who cracks a joke, does something embarrassing (myself included) or the kids have a moment that brings a moment of joy to everyone. Seriously, who doesn’t need a good laugh

  • The experience will be something you remember forever. These moments come and go. Time never stops. Before you know it, you will look back and wish you did certain things, captured certain moments. Don’t have those type of regrets. Many of our clients return to us year after year and we are honored to capture their family moments time after time.

We would love to talk to you about creating your next portrait. We work hard to give our clients something they will cherish forever. Contact us below for your free consultation. I know we can came something truly EPIC for you.


Pueblo, Colorado Reservoir | Mattivi Family Portrait Session


Pueblo, Colorado Downtown | Jackson Senior Portraits